Manual Linking
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If user is having existing native credentials in service provider portal, but no matching attributes (Email or Emirates ID), service provider should provide an option for the user to manually link both the accounts.
Service Providers delegate the authentication processes to UAEPASS. By doing so, Service Providers should be able to identify UAEPASS users and link them to their internal user repository through key attributes shared by UAEPASS. Every profile in UAEPASS has a unique identifier (UUID) that could be used as a key attribute to link users in Service Providers repository, and Emirates ID when dealing with Verified users (SOP2 and SOP3).
Note: At anytime, users on UAE PASS can update their email and mobile number after verifying that the user is in possession of the email address or mobile number.
As such, if Service Providers depend on mobile number or email address from UAEPASS to link users, this link becomes orphaned once the user change the values on UAEPASS. SP will end up creating multiple accounts for the same user.
Manual Linking (One time activity)
This is user initiated to link their existing account in Service Provider with UAEPASS
SOP 1, 2, 3
If no unique key attribute (SPUUID, EID, Email, Mobile). Ask the user if local account exists in SP
If yes, user enters local SP username/password and link accounts
If no, the SP creates new user profile by popylating UAEPass data in SP registration form.
Yes: When clicked, the user will be redirected to the local service provider login page for both UAEPASS and local profile will be linked and merged.
No: When clicked, the user will be redirected to the usual registration page where he/she will provide essential information (SP can pull KYC data from UAEPASS instead of asking the user to typre them, like Name, DOB, etc.)
The user Needs to enter the logon credentials in order to link the local account with UAE PASS account.
The SP will show the local registration form and populate UAE PASS data such as (EID, Name, Email, Mobile) and it should not be editable. The rest of the fields can be manually entered by the user.
Note: User should not be able to Edit UAE PASS data in the Registration Form nor in User Profile.