Assessment Phase
Step | Activities | Resposibility |
1 | Arranges for the assessment session with the service provider. | Onboarding Team |
2 | Any issue found in the use case? If yes rectify the issues observed in the initial assessment and requests for another round of assessment. | Service Provider |
3 | Arranges for second round of assessment with the service provider if issues found in first assessment. | Onboarding Team |
4 | Verify that service provider complies by all the scenarios as per the assessment checklist before confirms the go live. | Onboarding Team |
5 | Share video recordings of all the scenarios tested during assessment with Onboarding Team. | Service Provider |
6 | Share the video recordings of all the scenarios with the management for approval along with the use case details. | Onboarding Team |
7 | Review the final use case videos, use case details and approve moving to go live phase. | Onboarding Team Lead |
8 | Initiate the SPA/MOU signing process (For private entities-SPA). | Onboarding Team |
9 | SP (PVT only) to complete signing of SPA and share before moving to the Go Live Step. | Service Provider |
Last updated