Standard Authentication Scenarios for Service Provider Use Cases

Below is the list of use case scenarios described briefly for service providers to choose as per business requirements.

Use Case NumberSub-CategoryPre-RequisiteAcceptable SOP Types


Existing Users with Automatic Linking only

All user accounts have verified attributes in SP online account database.

SOP2 and SOP3


Existing User with Manual Linking only.

User accounts dont have any verified attribute in SP online account database

SOP1, SOP2, and SOP3


Existing User with Automatic and Manual Linking

SP has verified attributes in online account database for some users where automatic linking is applicable. For users with no verified attribute in online account database, manual linking is applicable.

SOP1, SOP2, and SOP3


Existing Users with Automatic Linking and new user registration

Users have verified attributes in SP online account database and new users are allowed to register online with SP

SOP1, SOP2, and SOP3


Existing User with Manual Linking and New User Registration

User accounts does not have verified attribute in SP channel and new users are allowed to register online with SP

SOP1, SOP2, and SOP3


Existing User with Automatic and Manual Linking and New User Registration

SP has verified attribute for some users for which automation linking is applicable. For rest, Manual Linking is Applicable. New users are allowed to register online with SP

SOP1, SOP2, and SOP3


New User Registration only

Only new users are allowed to register online with SP

SOP1, SOP2, and SOP3

Below are the detailed use case scenarios to choose from, as applicable for each business scenario. It is advised to select use case cautiously based on business requirement and database design. As a prerequisite to proceed with onboarding activities, selected use case needs to be reviewed by onboarding team.

Please make sure to highlight the use case no (UC X.X.X) in your submitted use case scenarios diagram.

Category 1: Existing Users Only

This category is for SPs allowing access to their Web portal/Mobile App for existing users. (Sign In with UAE PASS and Sign up with UAE Pass).

1.1.1 Existing Users with Automatic Linking Only

SP will have unique and verified attribute already stored in database for existing users and does not allow new online user registration. SPUUID and EID number are the only acceptable unique and verified linking attribute. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.1.1

1.1.2 Existing User with Manual Linking Only

SP does not have any unique and verified attribute stored in the database for existing users and do not allow new online user registration. Based on user local login authentication, linking is established with UAE PASS UUID as the linking attribute. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.1.2.

1.1.3 Existing Users with Automatic and Manual Linking

SP has unique and verified attributes stored in database for few of its users which can be used to automatically link user account with UAE PASS. For rest of the existing users, SP can utilize manual linking of the user account with UAE PASS. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.1.3

Category 2: Existing User and new User registration

This category is for SPs allowing access to their portal/App by both existing Users and new User registrations (Sign In with UAE Pass and Sign up with UAE Pass).

1.2.1 Automatic Linking for Existing Users and New User Registration

SP allows new user registration with UAE PASS. Existing user has unique Id stored in SP database and hence UAE PASS linking is achieved via Automatic linking. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.2.1

New user Registration guidelines:

  • SP to determine if the user is existing User with no online access or a new user altogether.

  • User should not be prompted to create username and password.

  • Username and password created by SP in backend for user should not be shared via email or SMS.

  • Data auto-populated from UAE PASS must be non-editable.

1.2.2 Manual Linking for Existing Users and New User Registration

SP allows new user registration with UAE PASS. Existing user does not have unique Id stored in SP database and hence UAE PASS Slinking is achieved via Manual linking. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.2.2.

New user Registration guidelines:

  • SP to determine if the user is existing User with no online access or a new user altogether.

  • User should not be prompted to create username and password

  • Username and password created by SP in backend for user should not be shared via email or SMS.

  • Data auto-populated from UAE PASS must be non-editable

1.2.3 Automatic and Manual Linking for Existing Users and New User Registration for New Users

SP allows new user registration with UAE PASS. Based on SP database configuration, Existing user UAE PASS account is linked either via Automatic linking or Manual linking. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.2.3

New user Registration guidelines:

  • SP to determine if the user is existing User with no online access or a new user altogether.

  • User should not be prompted to create username and password

  • Username and password created by SP in backend for user should not be shared via email or SMS.

  • Data auto populated from UAE PASS must be non-editable.

Category 3: New User registration

This category is for SPs allowing access to their portal/App by new User registrations. (Sign Up/Continue with UAE Pass).

1.3.1 New User Registration for New Users

SP allows new user registration only with UAE PASS. Please refer to use case flow no. UC 1.3.1

New user Registration guidelines:

  • SP to determine if the user is existing User with no online access or a new user altogether.

  • User should not be prompted to create username and password

  • Username and password created by SP in backend for user should not be shared via email or SMS.

  • Data auto-populated from UAE PASS must be non-editable.

This category is for SPs allowing access to their Web portal/Mobile App for visitor users.

Last updated