UAE PASS is a foundational platform to accelerate the transformation towards a digital based economy and digital society. This platform enables UAE PASS users to register and authenticate themselves in a system integrated with SPs (Service Providers) across UAE.

UAE PASS Mobile App is a digital idSP for secure online identification. It is an easy and safe service that gives the user access to various authentication and signature services within the UAE. UAE PASS is part of the Smart Government National Plan initiative managed by Digital Dubai (DDA), Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA), & Abu Dhabi Digital Authority (ADDA) to provide users with a single profile to access all services across UAE SPs.

There are 3 main capabilities offered by UAE PASS:

1. Authentication (Available for Government Entities and Private Organizations)

2. Digital Signature & eSeal (Available for Government Entities and Private Organizations)

3. Data & Document Sharing (Available for Private Organizations Only)

Note: Document Sharing for Government Entities can be integrated through GSB.

Last updated

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